Jasper Hotho
Co-principal Investigator |
Jasper Hotho is an Associate Professor at Copenhagen Business School. His research focuses on the opportunities and complications that arise from private-sector involvement in the delivery of humanitarian assistance. A secondary research stream examines accountability mechanisms for corporate human rights infringements; a topic he explores with several co-authors. His research has appeared in a variety of academic journals, including management journals such as Organization Studies and the British Journal of Management, ethics-focused journals such as the Journal of Business Ethics, and various journals in the field of international business. Jasper served as a Senior Editor for the journal Organization Studies from 2016 to 2022.

Verena Girschik
Co-principal Investigator |
Verena Girschik is Associate Professor of Business and Society at Copenhagen Business School. Her research focuses on the responsibilities of multinational companies in the contexts of complex societal problems and humanitarian crises. Zooming in on the relations between companies, governments, NGOs, and other societal actors, she explores how companies negotiate their roles and responsibilities, how they perform them, and with what consequences. Her research has been published in Journal of Management Studies, Human Relations, Business & Society, and critical perspectives on international business.
Andreas Rasche
Affiliated researcher |
Andreas Rasche is Professor of Business in Society at the CBS Centre for Sustainability and Associate Dean for the CBS Full-Time MBA Program. From 2014 to 2019, he was Co-Director of the CBS World-Class Research Environment “Governing Responsible Business” (GRB). He has taught courses in the MBA and doctoral programs, chaired Executive Education programs, authored more than 50 academic articles and cases, and published four books. He has collaborated with the United Nations on a number of projects, and served on the United Nations Global Compact LEAD Steering Committee. He is Associate Editor of Business Ethics Quarterly and was Visiting Professor at Stockholm School of Economics (2017-2020) as well as an Associate Fellow at Warwick Business School (2012-2018).
Francesco Oliviero Caccioni
HUMAC PhD Fellow |
Francesco Oliviero Caccioni is a PhD Fellow at the Department of Management, Society and Communication at Copenhagen Business School. Focusing on the emergence of bottom-up collaborations in local contexts during the COVID-19 emergency, his project explores how partnership for humanitarian action can be organized in a sustainable and ethical manner. He holds an BSc in Philosophy from University of Bologna and an MSc in Business Administration and Philosophy from Copenhagen Business School. He previously worked in the Private Sector Partnership department of UNHCR and as consultant for Oxfam IBIS.
Dorothee Nussbruch
Affiliated PhD Fellow |
Dorothee is a PhD fellow with a focus on business-humanitarian partnerships, particularly interested in local private sector engagement and global power dynamics within the humanitarian system that hinder the integration of (local) business partners. Dorothee is a geographer by training with an MSc from the United Nations University, Institute for Environment and Human Security and the University of Bonn. Prior to joining CBS, she completed the Mercator Fellowship on International Affairs, working on issues related to business-humanitarian partnerships with the World Food Programme, UNDP and UNOCHA’s Connecting Business initiative and the Harvard Kennedy School Corporate Responsibility Initiative.
Jakob Lutz
Research Assistant |
Jakob is a student research assistant at HUMAC. He is has recently graduated from the MSc International Business & Politics at Copenhagen Business School. After graduating from the BSc Business, Language and Culture (Spanish) he interned at the trade department of the Danish Embassy in Madrid and worked with the eastern neighborhood development program at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He has spent extensive time studying and volunteering for NGOs in several Latin American countries, sparking his interest in cross-sector partnerships and their impact on society.
Wen Chin Ruamps
Former Postdoctoral Fellow
Wen Chin Ruamps was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Department of Management, Society and Communication at Copenhagen Business School from June 2021 until August 2023. Her research focuses on the possibilities and difficulties of the private sector’s engagement in humanitarian crises. Applying an interdisciplinary perspective of private corporates’ CSR and ESG responsibility in a socio-economic context, she investigates how the private sector can engage with the humanitarian community with reflectivity, responsibility, and accountability. She received her MSc at the University of Edinburgh and her PhD at Manchester Centre for Political Theory, the University of Manchester.
Annkathrin Mathe
Former Research Assistant
Annkathrin was a research assistant at the HUMAC project. After she finished her MSc in Diversity and Change Management at CBS, she supported HUMAC’s “Partnering for Change (P4C)” research efforts. She was also involved in another project at CBS which looks at the coffee production in Tanzania and Ethiopia in light of the changing climate. Overall, one can say Annkathrin is interested in meaningful work and enjoys understanding the larger connections of current societal issues.
Amaya Debal
Former Research Assistant
Amaya was a student research assistant at HUMAC, at CBS Sustainability and at the Centre for Business and Development Studies at the Copenhagen Business School. She is a graduate in Business Administration and Sociology and holds a Master's in International Business and Politics along with the CEMS Master in International Management with the American University in Cairo. Amaya has previously worked both in the non-profit sector in the field of European civic activation and in the private sector in sustainable development.
Lea Thingmann
Former Research Assistant
Lea was a HUMAC student assistant specifically focusing on the humanitarian efforts in response to the current situation in Ukraine. She has graduated from the MSc in Diversity and Change Management at Copenhagen Business School. She is curious about volunteering and the role of NGOs as well as contribution of business organisations to civil society. Lea has previously worked at the Royal Danish Library as well as for the humanitarian relief and social services organisation, Caritas, in Northern Italy.
Thomas Oostheim
Former Research Assistant
Thomas worked as a research assistant on the HUMAC team while pursuing his Master's degree in International Business and Politics at Copenhagen Business School. In addition to assisting with a range of research and teaching case-related tasks related to the start-up phase of the project, Thomas contributed to the development of the HUMAC website.